
And when I'm dead..... ?

Well today I figured we'd get to the heart of a question everyone asks and longs to know the answer to. My grandfather was here today and he asked me... What I thought.
Is there life after death? Is there more here after? I was born and raised as a catholic, So I should there for believe in 'heaven'... But I don't.  I doubt I ever will. Unless I reach it. Then, maybe I'll believe but I'll be dead so my opinion won't matter much anymore. I don't believe we will just end. We have thoughts, free spirit and will, we speak, we feel, we understand. Our brain may create these with enzymes or electiricty running through your nerves to different parts of your brain, but they are still there. No matter how. A thought and feelings are not physical components. They couldn't possibly die. I understand if the brain dies, it no longer has activity, but how do you know if the true essence of the thought is gone? How do you know? You don't. And that's it. I'm sorry but I will never accept or be convinced that life truly ends abruptly like that. The world is a cycle of energy. A cycle of souls and thoughts, what has been taken gets given back and our souls rotate simply as we die into new born beings, reincarnation. The world is infinite. Never ending. It is life and death an revival, continuously cycling, forever. So if anyone ever tells me I go in the ground and rot. I will agree because my body will... but my soul cannot decompose.

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