
Pink and Lulu

Sure, I ADORE Pink(Victoria's Secret) clothing and perfume. But only recently did I realize how it affected me so much. I NEED the word PINK on the clothing I NEED the little Lulu Lemon symbol on my pants. Why? I like to flaunt it around and show that I'm wearing name brands but well, why? I honestly don't know. Makes me feel cool or something. But hmm oh well, I'll still wear it anyways. Welcome to the mentality when affected by humanity.

CN Tower Climb.

Hello There!

Climate change is the single biggest environmental threat facing our world today! In order to help WWF-Canada fight climate change on behalf of people like you and me, I've decided to climb the 1,776 steps of the CN Tower. While I will do the climbing, I need you to help me raise needed funds. Remember, for every pledge of $20 or more you will get a tax receipt.

You can help support me by making a secure online donation using your credit card. Click on the link below:

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Goodbye Little Stranger

little stranger wasn't there. freaked out for nothing but one didn't car anyways oh well. Seems he was a little child, but children are supposed to be tender and mild, he was a serpent, a coil a snake. never really cared much, a coward, a fake. I have to say I'm a little sad of not having what I could of had. Oh, well. Nothing I can do now. Any other girl like me would be happy but I can't be.... Why? What's wrong with me?



One is gone. He won't be back, I cut him off, to cut off some slack. One was, like I said, with another now all I can say is mother****er. One thought I was so dumb. One beat my thoughts 'till they went numb. But one he won't be back, I cut him off to cut off some slack. I'm tired of him, his one and only stupid name, I'm tired of him, his one and many stupid games,
He thinks he's cool,
Ever surely not.
He thought I was a fool,
Well I guess he forgot,
I'm not.
Bé, I'm free.


One and a Little Stranger

what on earth is a girl supposed to do?.... I'd speak my mind right now but I can't... Maybe later I shall once these unfortunate events have unfolded their fate. And revealed mine. I might have a little stranger on it's way.... One is with Another When the one is with another other then the other.
The one will dissapear if this little stranger comes too near.
For now that is all I can say.
I cannot support myself, my mind aches my stomach does too, I know whats happening, but it's happening too soon. With this the one's head will swoon, and one will leave me alone to endure the white room.
This little stranger will stay, no matter what one may say, I could never take the life of an unliving away, it is not fair in any way.
So little stranger will grow with me, the one's face I hope little stranger will never see, little stranger will be strong and tall, Little stranger will conquer any fall.
Little stranger will have a life that is tough. Little stranger will be my diamond in the ruff.
God damn him if one takes little stranger away. I won't let that be. Little stranger will stay by me.


And when I'm dead..... ?

Well today I figured we'd get to the heart of a question everyone asks and longs to know the answer to. My grandfather was here today and he asked me... What I thought.
Is there life after death? Is there more here after? I was born and raised as a catholic, So I should there for believe in 'heaven'... But I don't.  I doubt I ever will. Unless I reach it. Then, maybe I'll believe but I'll be dead so my opinion won't matter much anymore. I don't believe we will just end. We have thoughts, free spirit and will, we speak, we feel, we understand. Our brain may create these with enzymes or electiricty running through your nerves to different parts of your brain, but they are still there. No matter how. A thought and feelings are not physical components. They couldn't possibly die. I understand if the brain dies, it no longer has activity, but how do you know if the true essence of the thought is gone? How do you know? You don't. And that's it. I'm sorry but I will never accept or be convinced that life truly ends abruptly like that. The world is a cycle of energy. A cycle of souls and thoughts, what has been taken gets given back and our souls rotate simply as we die into new born beings, reincarnation. The world is infinite. Never ending. It is life and death an revival, continuously cycling, forever. So if anyone ever tells me I go in the ground and rot. I will agree because my body will... but my soul cannot decompose.


Freedom of speech.

The freedom of speech is an odd thing. We never speak our mind. I would love to tell you that those jeans do indeed make your but look huge. but i can`t you know why? Because our speech isn`t free there is nothing free about it guilt holds us back. Well unless you have tourrettes.... But you at least have a concience. So freedom of speech doesn`t exist truly. You can`t talk back to your parents. You can`t talk back to your teachers. It isn`t right to insult an elder... So where is our speech free? Tell me. Because truly. It isn`t.

A sky without blue, is like a man without air. it does not exist.

why is it that a sky without blue does not exist? it just is that way. Life is amazing and with so many gifts and so many unanswered questions, our mind will never be at ease. A man without air doesn't exist for a man needs oxygen to breath. They will drop dead within 5 minutes of not breathing. but hence, in space they have no real air they choose to live off of an oxygen supply. so is it air we need or oxygen? it is clearly oxygen. but if you were to tell man one day you don't need to breath! so stop breathing immediatly, they would still continue to breath. it is instinct, it is a stress reliever. We need to breath and the sky needs to be blue. If the sky were red, man-kind would surely go insane.

Resist much, Obey little.

I was sitting in the TTC (Toronto Transit) and there was graffiti on the over head board. It said:
Resist much, Obey little.

I don't know if Proudnon is a person just average or actually some amazing writer. But whoever he or she is. They got me thinking.

This can be interpreted in numerous different ways.

You can resist the law and obey it hardly, or you can resist temptation and not obey the Lucifer. To resist makes us stronger. We become our own people by creating our own path. If we were to constantly obey society. I honestly don't know what I'd want to live for. ''Why be me? We're all the same, she could do the job just as well.'' But no, it is by resisting intimadation do we have the strength to call ourselves beautiful and become our own people. It is by climbing the stairs do we get noticed, if you take the escalator trust me... You'll blend in.
So be you.
Resist much, Obey little.
Thank-you "Proudnon"

Well now isn`t that peculiar?

Birds. Falling from the sky. Fish. Washing ashore from sea. Jelly Fish. Appearing in mass herds. Weather. Completely out of wack.
I`m not a complete idiot. I`m not fearing 2012. But I`m not stupid. I know something is going on. Something is definetly not right. Something, is going to happen. I am definetly not the one who will be able to answer that question. But yes, humanity will come to an end. Maybe not in 2012 and maybe not in our lifetime.
But, hey, the world is a complete cycle of assending and decending heat and energy it`s a cycle. a wave. it will slowly go to the extreme hot and then the extremem cold and life starts all over again everytime this cycle hits a peak. It`s quite simple and the lines in the diagram over this is a visual image of it. the black line is us. our time. the world. it travels along this line hitting extreme cold. and extreme heat. We passed the ice age. which means we are coming to the extreme hot peak, which there for finalizes our idea of global warming. it is not something we can fix. it is what it is and it will be no matter what.
The animals feel something coming. They feel an unbalanced atmosphere, We shouls pay better attention to the big image. and not focus on these small little imperfections we absolutely bother ourselves with.
Well, now isn`t that particular?